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  • Parts and Components Failure Analysis

The correct determination of the root cause in material, part and component failure processes is essential to avoid new occurrences, based on an understanding of the mechanism and factors that caused the damage. Often these damages are  directly related to safety, environmental impacts and loss of operational reliability with the consequent increase in direct and indirect costs.  

How a failure analysis is conducted is critical to correctly determining the causes of the problem. It is very common to only perform a chemical analysis and an evaluation of the  material properties with the conclusion  "everything was as per specification" and not giving the cause of the problem itself. If everything was ok what happened then?  There is also the indiscriminate use of expensive tests and assays, without any need, such as the use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive (EDS), etc.

The worst thing is that when these analyzes are done  there is usually damage to the sample that is irreversible,  such as holes for chip removal and  sample cuts for metallographic examinations and mechanical tests and  that compromise a later evaluation,

METAL-EXATO has over 30 years of experience in component failure analysis and its standard procedure is the initial visual analysis  followed by  fractographic analysis,  with photographic documentation  the entire process. From then on, if there is a need for additional analyses, the sample can be cut or drilled.

The differential of METAL-EXATO is the speed of analysis at the lowest cost. Supplemental analyzes will only be performed if they are really needed.  


Rupture due to poor heat treatment (induction hardening).


4mm chip observed on SEM. The use of the equipment was necessary to identify the form and direct it to the probable place where it originated.

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