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Douglas - Metallurgist Engineer

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My name is Douglas de Paula e Silva. I am a metallurgist engineer graduated from Escola de Engenharia Mauá in 1977 with a master's degree from Escola Politécnica da USP (EPUSP) in 1993. I have a specialization in steel technology at Nippon Steel Co. (Japan) as well as in Business Administration at FEAUSP. I am also a lead ISO9000 auditor for DNV and Black Belt for Ford Motor Co.


 I was also a professor at SENAI for 12 years, I taught some courses at the Mauá School of Engineering and at USP and internal training at the companies where I worked. I am currently part of the Technical Committee of the AEA (Association of Automotive Engineering), as well as monitor courses at SAE and IQA.

During the 42 years of my professional life, as an executive and technician, in companies such as COSIPA/Usiminas, Thyssenkrupp, Schmolz+Bickenbach and finally at Ford Motor Company, I have always worked in the Metallurgy area, in particular with Failure Analysis in Service of Components, Metallography,  Heat Treatments, Tool Steel development and most recently as a heat treatment process auditor based on CQI-9 for Ford in South America.

I conceived the " METAL-EXATO"  to provide services in the areas of my knowledge, namely:

  • Failure analysis in materials, parts and components

  • Translation and adaptation of standards and procedures. METAL EXATO translated and adapted the AIAG CQI-9 (Thermal Treatments), CQI-12 (Coatings) and CQI-29 (Brasagem, 1st Edition) standards for Brazil.

  • Thermal Treatments (advice based on AIAG CQI-9)

  • In-company training (Metallurgy for Non-Metallurgists, CQI-9 4th edition, MASP, FMEA, CEP)

Acting directly with the customer, providing faster and cheaper solutions.  

It is my understanding that most metal problems do not require the use of improved analysis techniques. Often an observation with the naked eye already gives a good indication of what happened, without the need for more elaborate and expensive laboratory techniques, such as the use of the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).  


Experience, combined with traditional laboratory techniques, is still the great tool for a quick and effective resolution of most processes in metals.  

Alongside my technical activities, I always worked and in technical training. I am very proud to have trained hundreds of people in all these years.

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