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  • Thermal Treatments (advice based on AIAG CQI-9)

The CQI-9 is a standard created by the AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) in March 2006 for audits in Heat Treatment processes and is currently in its 4th. Edition, launched in Brazil in November 2020. We were proudly responsible for the translation of the standard and its adaptation to Brazil.


Most automakers consider adherence to the CQI-9 standard as mandatory for all parts suppliers that have heat-treated components.

For these companies, the audit based on the CQI-9 standard will be able to identify areas related to heat treatment processes that need improvement, based on best industrial practices. The CQI-9 standard emphasizes system management, defect prevention and reduction of variations and losses in the production chain.

Among the advantages is mainly the reduction of failures in heat treatment processes, some involving security risks, recalls and customer complaints under warranty.

METAL-EXATO has extensive experience in CQI-9 audits and offers an overview of the 56 requirements of the standard with a focus on the client's process, usually done in 2 days, followed by a report identifying the actions to be adapted to CQI-9.  It is more effective than mere training and will facilitate the company's adherence to the CQI-9 as it is focused on your real needs.  

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